Sensory play with cool whip Sensory play

5 Supreme Sensory Play Ideas for Kids

Spring is here and so now is the time for some fun sensory play ideas to keep the kiddos engaged.

My kids love sensory play! I have started doing this with them since they were all babies. When I do it now with my younger one, the older two kids love to join in as well.

There are many benefits to incorporating sensory play into your child’s routine. Sensory play can help cognitive learning, problem-solving, language, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, math, social learning, and mindfulness.

Here are just a few of my favorites that we have done at our house. I like to use things that are edible so it’s easier (and safer) with the babies.

#1 First up we have something stringy, fun, and colorful. Colored spaghetti.

Cook spaghetti like you normally would. Separate into little baggies and add a little water and a few drops of food coloring. Let it set for a bit until it reaches the color you desire. Drain and explore!

#2 This one is a chilly one. Snow or shaved ice. So easy and so fun.

In the winter, you can scoop up some snow from outside and bring in. Now that it’s spring, fingers can warm up easier and ice makes a great sensory investigation.  Also, a wonderful experience during the summer to cool down with some shaved ice.  Throw some small toys in water and create your own frozen ice cube fun- kids will love trying to get the toys out!  

#3 One of our current favorites right now is cool whip.

Makes for fun fluffy sensory with an added sweet treat. Let them get their hands all in it. They most likely will need a bath after this one.

#4 The pool noodle pit is always a hit in this household for all ages!

You get the long foam pool noodles (check out Dollar Tree) and slice them into rings. Throw them in a kiddy pool and acts as a softer version of a ball bit. Make it fun with assorted bright-colored pool noodles.  Try building towers with them, stringing them or patterning as well!

#5 We love to make our own play-doh.

Edible recipes are a plus with little ones. There are many recipes out there, but one of our favorites is the pumpkin spice playdoh. Soft, colorful, and smells great!

Here is the recipe for the pumpkin spice play doh:


  • 1 cup flour
  • ½ cup of salt
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin spice seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • Food coloring


In a bowl, combine the flour, salt, cream of tartar, and cinnamon. 

Combine the oils and food coloring with boiling water. Stir the oily water into the dry ingredients. Mix well. Remove the dough and knead until it is no longer sticky and enjoy!

Some other sensory play that we have done is:
  • colored rice
  • shaving cream
  • painting ice cubes
  • puffy paint
  • finger paints
  • sidewalk spray chalk and so much more. The possibilities are endless!
Do you have any sensory play that is your favorite that we didn’t mention? We’d love to hear your favorites and try them for ourselves.
Leave us a comment. And hope you have fun with those littles.

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