How To Be a Carefree Mom

I noticed a drastic change in my general Life-Concern-Level after having children. Before becoming a mom, I was carefree about a lot of things. I was largely self-focused and not a whole lot was on my radar. The other day, I was thinking through issues that I care about now that we have kids.

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For example: I never used to be aware of how fast cars tear through parking lots or how many school speed limit signs drivers ignore. I never knew that there were things preggo women should and shouldn’t eat. Don’t think I really cared, either. I never noticed rust spots on slides, artificial ingredients in juice, or dogs that are unleashed in public parks. I didn’t care before about nap times, gentle body wash, or the safety features of car seats. I never noticed how many electric outlets there are in the world or how easy it is to accidentally touch sharp objects!

(picture: 9 months pregnant with our first baby- a girl)

As the kids grow, I am selective about the type of activities they engage in and seek to help them develop socially, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. I am constantly observing their surroundings and trying to keep them safe and healthy. I definitely feel like a Mama Lion sometimes!

That is when it hit me one day: I used to be carefree and I’m not anymore!

This really concerned me; I didn’t realize I had changed so much. I prayed about what needed to shift in my perspective in order to be carefree again.

Here’s the answer I came to:

You can’t be carefree and be a mom!

It’s impossible! To be a mom means we CARE! I believe there is a difference between worry and being stressed out. God teaches us to trust Him so we don’t have to carry the load of worry and fear. We don’t have to be stressed out just because we are moms… but we also can’t be carefree! Our pastor said that the opposite of love isn’t hate, it is indifference. I would agree with that. Because we love our children, we will always care. Indifference isn’t an option.

On the days I miss my carefree Self, I watch our wonder-filled kids run outside, dance to silent music, and blow make-believe bubbles. I realize I didn’t lose my carefree Self, I simply passed it on to our Littles.

(picture: nine months preggo with our second- a boy)

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