eco-friendly switches

5 Easy Eco-Switches to Make Today for a Healthier Tomorrow

If you’re trying to “go green” but don’t know where to start, we’ve got some easy changes for you & your family to try!

Planet Protectors is brought to you in partnership with the Stark Tuscarawas Wayne Recycling District

Changing to an eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard or overly complicated. You and your family can make a few changes this week that will make a difference for years to come.

  1. Meatless Mondays. Ease into eco-friendly life by ditching meat once a week. Cereal for breakfast, peanut butter & jelly for lunch, and a veggie lasagna for dinner.
  2. Start using cloth napkins & paper towels. Another easy switch is trading in traditional paper towels and napkins for cloth alternatives. You’ll save a little money at the stores and reduce your waste significantly!
  3. Buy locally & cook seasonally. Check out your local farmers’ market and buy fruit and vegetables that are in season.
  4. Make your home a smart home. This step takes a little more financial effort, but changing your thermostat to a smart system and switching your lights to smart switches can help you save energy AND money.
  5. Bring your own bags & say no to straws. When you’re out and about, bring your own bags to the grocery store. You don’t have to give up your iced latte, but bring along a metal straw or ditch the straw altogether.

You can make other easy changes, too! Start recycling at home or plant a garden this summer! Be an example and show your family how easy it is to reduce, reuse, and save the planet!

The Recycling District assures safe and sanitary disposal of solid waste for the residents of Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne Counties. Their goal is to reduce reusable or renewable wastes from entering landfills within the district. The Solid Waste District accomplish this through the development of residential and industrial programs that educate, promote, provide, implement, and improve recycling opportunities that will preserve landfill space now and into the future. Visit for more information.

solid waste district

Audrey Mattevi, Reporting

1 thought on “5 Easy Eco-Switches to Make Today for a Healthier Tomorrow”

  1. Pingback: Join the Recycling Revolution: Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne's Journey Towards Zero Waste - Newsymom

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