Are You Ready? TCHD Wants You to to Make a Plan During Pet Preparedness Month

Our Furbabies are a part of our families. We feed them, love them, take them to the vet, and make sure they have all of their needs met. Sometimes, though, we may overlook them when we’re making emergency plans. June is Pet Preparedness Month and the time to make sure we’re taking care of our pets should an emergency arise.


This is Public Health is brought to you in partnership with the Tuscarawas County Health Department.





Our pets are completely dependent upon us. Should an emergency arise, they will need us to make sure they are safe and secure. The stress and anxiety of an unforeseen circumstance can  rattle the best of us. This is why we include our pets in our emergency plans BEFORE we need to face it.


Clemson News recommends that pet owners follow a 3-step preparedness plan:

Be Informed

  • Have multiple ways to receive alerts and stay tuned to local TV and radio stations for the latest weather reports when a storm is in the forecast.
  • Listen to local officials when told to evacuate or shelter in place.
  • Always bring pets indoors at the first sign or warning of a storm or disaster.

Make a Plan

Just like for your family, make a plan specific to your pet and its needs. Consider the following in your plan:

  • Have an evacuation plan for your pet. Many public shelters and hotels do not allow pets inside. Know a safe place where you can take your pets before disasters or emergencies happen.
  • Plan with neighbors, friends or relatives to make sure that someone is available to care for or evacuate your pets if you are unable to do so.
  • Have your pet microchipped. Make sure to keep your address and phone number up-to-date and include contact information for an emergency contact outside of your immediate area.
  • Keep a recent photo of you and your pet together and have copies of your pet’s registration information and vet records in a waterproof container and available electronically.
  • When evacuating your home, it’s important to bring your pets. Follow these tips to make your cat or dog comfortable if you have to put them in a pet carrier.

Build a Kit

Just as you do with your family’s emergency supply kit, think first about the basics for survival, such as food and water, and review your kits regularly to ensure that their contents are fresh. Consider the following items in an emergency kit for your pet:

  • Food for several days in an airtight, waterproof container
  • Water for several days and a water bowl
  • Medicine that your pet takes on a regular basis in a waterproof container
  • Collar with ID tag or harness and a leash and a backup of each
  • Grooming items, such as pet shampoo, a brush and a nail trimmer
  • Sanitation needs
  • Familiar items, such as a favorite toy, treat or bedding. These items can help reduce stress for your pet.


The American Red Cross also recommends that owners make a plan for their Livestock:

Keep a stockpile of supplies on hand such as:

  • Sandbags and plastic sheeting
  • Wire and ropes to secure objects
  • Lumber and plywood to protect windows
  • Extra food and water for livestock
  • Extra fuel for tractors and vehicles
  • Hand tools
  • Fire extinguishers
  • A gas-powered generator

Here are more steps you should take:

  • If possible, plan to evacuate with your animals. Plan out routes and find vehicles and trailers to transport your animals and livestock.
  • Don’t forget to ensure that your destination has food, water, handling equipment and veterinary care.
  • Make sure to build a go-kit for your farm much as you would for your home. Include veterinarian information, insurance agent information and documentation of coverage, other important documentation, food, water, medication.
  • If you must shelter your animals in place, you may want to remove them from pastures and shelter them in a barn or other large structure if possible, providing them with feed and water. Make sure the shelter is free of neighboring debris, trees which can uproot easily, overhead powerlines, etc.
  • It may be best to let your livestock remain in pastures, as confinement in a shelter can take away the abilities of animals to protect themselves.
  • For potential flooding, make sure to relocate your animals to higher ground.

Need Help Preparing for Your Pet? TCHD Can Help!



For more information about pet emergency preparedness, email .

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