maternity leave

Back to Work: 3 Tips for Returning From Maternity Leave

Whether it’s your first baby or your fifth, heading back to work after maternity leave is a difficult adjust, often filled with big emotions.

From Bump to Baby is brought to you by The Pregnancy & Parenting Center

Find a Feeding Plan You Feel Confident About

Whether you plan to nurse, pump and bottle-feed, mix up formula, or a combination, it’s important to have a feeding system. Practice packing up your milk or formula, storing or transporting it for a caretaker, and feeding your baby. Pack up your supplies the night before and plan ahead.

Have a Trial Run

Before you head back to work, ask your future caretaker to do a practice run. Knowing that you have the freedom to drop off something you forgot, answer the phone when your caretaker has a question, or just pick up your little one early without the restrictions of already being back at work will make your first day back a little less stressful. Iron out the issues while you still have a flexible schedule.

Communication is Key

Establish an open line of communication with your child’s caretaker. If you want updates throughout the day, work this out beforehand. Do you want a picture or two throughout the day? Let them know. If you only wanted to be contacted in the case of an emergency, that’s okay, too. Make sure everyone is on the same page.

It’s also important to communicate well with your supervisor or boss. Transitioning back into the workforce can be difficult, especially if you’re worried about what’s going on at home. Knowing what’s expected of you and being on the same page as you reestablish yourself in your role will help to make a smooth transition back to work.

Pro tip: Start back to work on a Thursday. It’s a simple way to ease back into the swing of things and you can troubleshoot any child issues that spring up without worry about course correcting for an entire week.

You’ve got this, Mama! Going back to work is a difficult step for every new parent, but you’re prepared and ready for this new chapter.


The Pregnancy & Parenting Care Center is the place for families to receive the support and resources necessary to make life affirming decisions and build stronger families. For more information, please visit

Audrey Mattevi, Reporting

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