stroller fitness

Stroller Fitness: Transform Your Daily Walks into a Full-Body Workout!

When you don’t have time to squeeze everything in, you may find it helpful to multitask. What better way for a mom to exercise than stroller fitness?

From Bump to Baby is brought to you by The Pregnancy & Parenting Center

First and foremost, there are a handful of classes offered at fitness centers, studios, and gyms that focus on moms, their little ones, and strollers. Ask around locally and see if any of these classes are offered near you!

Kick things off with a five minute stroller jog. Before you begin, be sure to stretch your legs, torso, and arms. And don’t forget to grab some water for you & your little one. (My daughter is happy to ride in the stroller for hours if she has water and snacks!)

Check out this workout that includes lunges, squats, and sprints from Nourish Move Love. BOB Gear also offers a simple and complete workout for moms behind a stroller. USA Today has an article that includes bicep curls, chest presses, and crunches- all with a stroller.

No matter how to decide to work out and move your body, you will be happy that you did.

The Pregnancy & Parenting Care Center is the place for families to receive the support and resources necessary to make life affirming decisions and build stronger families. For more information, please visit

Audrey Mattevi, Reporting

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