Strong Girl Summer: Strong Minds and Strong Bodies Workshops Return!

Last year, Strong Minds and Strong Bodies workshops directors Mandy Kirsch, Alexis Kroah, and Angeline Wellock had a mission: to help girls discover the power of a healthy mind-body connection,  giving them the tools they need to build a strong foundation of confidence through their formative years. This year the workshops are back and even better-ready to kick off another Strong Girl Summer.

The inaugural year of Strong Minds and Strong Bodies workshops was a success by all accounts. The attendees, girls ages 10-12, were provided a space to discuss challenges they face at the pivotal “tween” age. Director Angeline Wellock shared that, “ They made new friends, got creative with some art projects, and were able to do some physical activities including obstacle courses, light strength training, and flexibility.”

When I spoke with Angeline last year, she shared her personal passion for this project. She told me, These workshops can help girls understand how to discover the power of a healthy mind-body connection and that it is possible, even during those challenging middle school years.  I want them to learn about the strength of positivity, empowerment, and resiliency in hopes that they won’t face some of the challenges I did.  Above anything else, I want them to walk away from the workshop believing they are ENOUGH.”

Last year’s attendees left the workshops stronger, more confident, and equipped with tools to meet the challenges that faced them. After reflecting on their experiences and their conversations with the girls last year, the workshop’s directors decided to give this year’s workshops a new focus.

Stronger Minds, Stronger Bodies in Year Two

This year’s workshops will be targeted toward a slightly older age group of girls( 12-14 years) and center on the theme of “Anxiety, Friendships & Boundaries.”  Licensed therapist Mandy Kirsch will help the girls explore these topics through guided conversations. Wellock noted that “The goal is to give the girls tools to put in their tool box to navigate through these sometimes daily challenges.” 

In last year’s workshops, the girls loved doing meditation, so this practice is implemented into all of the sessions this year. Breath-work and learning how to stay calm is an important tool to help navigate life’s stressors. 

 “Self-care” will be another key concept in the workshops. The girls will learn what this means and how to make sure they are able to work that into their  lives every day.

The workshop’s attendees will engage in new art projects to allow for creative expression. While exercise and strength training with our Director of Sports Performance, Alexis Kroah, will build both confidence and physical strength.

While the focus of the workshops has changed a bit, Wellock emphasizes that, “We will continue to strive towards instilling Confidence, Empowerment, Movement, and Mindfulness in these young minds!”

Workshop Details and Registration

The Strong Minds and Strong Bodies Workshops are offered at NO COST to participants. Beth Rayl, President of Rayl Charitable Organization, generously supports the mission of this program to help make it all possible.

If you have a 12-14 year old girl in your life, and think she could benefit from the Strong Minds and Strong Bodies Workshops, see below for registration details.






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