Thanksgiving Survival Guide for Moms: Funny and Practical Tips

Thanksgiving Survival Guide for Moms: Funny and Practical Tips – The holidays bring about an incredible rush of feelings of joy, happiness, and excitement… for everyone that isn’t a mom making and preparing the plans. Check out how NOT to lose your mind this Thanksgiving with these funny and practical tips right here on Newsymom!

This informational campaign comes to you in partnership with the Stark County Community Action Agency.

Thanksgiving is a time for family, gratitude, and indulgent feasting. But for moms, it can also mean a recipe for stress and chaos. From the turkey trot to the cranberry sauce fiasco, the holiday hustle and bustle can take a toll. So, this year, let’s spice up your Thanksgiving with a dash of humor and some practical tips to help make it less stressful.

And don’t forget to read the end for a special resource that can make your holiday even more enjoyable!

  1. The Sibling Sous-Chef Showdown: Assign kitchen duties to your kids. Not only will you get some much-needed help, but you’ll also be treated to the most entertaining cooking show ever. Sibling rivalry might just create culinary magic.

  2. The Tofurkey Diversion: To avoid endless debates about the turkey, announce that this year, you’re making a Tofurkey. Then watch the confusion and disbelief on everyone’s faces before revealing the real turkey. Laughter guaranteed.

  3. The Great “Dishes Jenga” Game: Stack the dirty dishes into a precarious tower and challenge your guests to remove them without causing an avalanche. A great way to keep guests engaged and buy you some extra time for a breather.

  4. The “Tablecloth Redesign” Contest: Let the kids draw and color on a paper tablecloth. Not only does this keep them occupied, but it also results in a unique Thanksgiving table masterpiece.

  5. The “Thanksgiving Playlist”: Create a Thanksgiving playlist filled with songs that celebrate gratitude and joy. Cue up some upbeat tunes to keep the atmosphere cheerful and fun.

  6. The “Potluck” Pact: Don’t be shy about asking your guests to bring a dish or two. It’s a win-win situation; they get to share their favorite recipes, and you get to share the workload.

  7. The “Kitchen Escape” Strategy: Escape to the kitchen, put on an apron, and act like you’re working on something important. It’s the ultimate mom excuse to avoid awkward conversations or escape sibling rivalries for a few precious moments.

  8. The “Craft Corner” for Kids: Set up a craft station for the little ones, complete with Thanksgiving-themed coloring sheets and supplies. They’ll be happily occupied, and you can enjoy a few moments of peace.

  9. The Turkey Trot Dance-Off: After dinner, organize a family dance-off to work off those calories. Show off your turkey-trot or cranberry salsa dance moves and let the laughter flow.

  10. The Secret WeaponStark County Community Action Pathways HUB: And now, for a stress-busting secret! The Stark County Community Action Pathways HUB is here to support moms in need. Whether you require assistance with motherhood essentials, transportation, or other resources, they’re just a call away. Dial (330) 454-1676 x. 153 to connect with them and ensure your Thanksgiving is as smooth as gravy.

Keep Your Thanksgiving As Smooth As Gravy with the Stark County Community Action Pathways HUB

Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be a stress-filled holiday. Embrace the chaos, add some humor, and use these practical tips to make it more enjoyable for yourself and your family. And remember, the Stark County Community Action Pathways HUB is there to lend a helping hand if you need it. So, relax, enjoy the festivities, and have a hilarious and heartwarming Thanksgiving!

Melissa Klatt


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