Traffic Cop

Twenty four hours out of the twenty-four-hour day I’m in highlighter yellow and constantly blowing a whistle (more like yelling a lot)

Now before all the clinical therapists start diagnosing me and pre-diagnosing my kids. Let me make this clear- I absolutely love and adore all four curly-headed kids of mine. I am NOT experiencing mom burn out either (if you are experiencing some mom burn out- it’s OKAY we all need a break sometimes) HOWEVER, in my house, I am the traffic cop.

My husband works like 17 jobs so I’m getting the kids to and from school, before and after work. Nothing major because a lot of moms are holding down that role. But let me tell y’all what’s it’s like being the traffic cop in the Strong house.

So Joah is like that young computer wiz who walks around not looking up because he’s always looking at his phone while crossing the street. Jael is prime Madonna whose world ends every time she hears the word no, Shiloh is the introvert who just loses it when you look at her and Samson is caught somewhere between Spider-Man and giving free hugs.

So I’m constantly directing the flow of emotional traffic justly and fairly might I add. I see them all according to their love languages and personality colors (found from a color personality test). Most days one of them more than the others is the most draining, the next day it’s everyone needing something.

It’s hard to maintain my sanity and my hope is that I explain myself enough, say I love you enough, lighten up a little more and sing enough Disney songs to make up for my shortcomings.

This yellow safety vest I wear with pride and I try my best to be on duty for each of them and never let anyone feel like they aren’t the center of my love. It can be crazy at times but I wouldn’t change it. I’ve come to realize that as a mother and a woman, this is something I’m graced to do and it’s part of my purpose. It was apart of God’s plan for me to be the one to redirect emotions and preserve the peace for my children. So if you’re like me and you wear a yellow vest, raise your hand and lift your head- God had a plan with you in mind and this is your traffic stop for a reason!!!!

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