Celebrating Motherhood: Your Invitation to the Ultimate Maternity Showcase

If you have ever been pregnant or know someone who has been, you are probably familiar with the phrase, “You are glowing”. Many people have a glamorous view of pregnancy, but it doesn’t always turn out that way. So how can we celebrate and showcase maternity and motherhood, no matter what you look and feel like? Read on to receive the invitation for the ultimate maternity showcase.

Many expecting mothers or even those pregnant with their second or third child are hesitant to ask for support throughout their pregnancy. The reality is that it important to do so, it takes stress off of you and others want to feel needed. This is true especially if your partner or family is close by to help.

What does it look like to showcase your pregnancy?
  • Do not be afraid to share your pregnancy story. Everyone indeed has different or difficult experiences, but yours is one to celebrate. So tell people, they want to hear it!
  • Make sure to take pictures of your baby pump! Whether they are professional or not, be sure to document the progress!

What is recommended medically?
  • Take care of yourself. Go to all of the necessary wellness checkups. They are important for you and the baby. It ensures you and the baby are staying healthy.
  • Drink a lot of water, and try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Move your body a little each day. If you are not used to exercise consult your doctor on where to start. If you are an avid gym goer great! Keep it up. This is when friends, family, and Flourish can help out as supports while get the movement in.
  • Work toward at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Some of us need more, so give yourself grace if that is the case.

Remember it is okay if the dishes or laundry are not put away as soon as they are washed. Soak up this pregnancy while you can. It does not last long!

Connect with local professionals who care. Reach out to Trinity Health Systems Twin City today to learn more about services designed to keep you and your family healthy! Phone: (740) 922-2800

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