Join the Conversation about Maternal Health: Congresswoman Emilia Sykes Holds Community Conversation Event in Canton

On May 30th, U.S. Rep. Emilia Sykes, D-Akron, will hold a Community Conversation from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Greater Stark County Urban League, 1400 Sherrick Road SE. She will join other community leaders to discuss the Momnibus Act, comprehensive legislation to support mothers and combat the public health crisis of maternal mortality. The discussion will also highlight community resources and local efforts to support mothers and babies to improve maternal health. 

The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate among developed countries. Ohio ranks 21st out of 50 in it’s maternal mortality rate. Studies consistently show that these rates are disproportionately high in women of color

The Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act, co-sponsored by Representative Sykes, will address this crisis through historic investments that comprehensively address every driver of maternal mortality, morbidity, and disparities in the United States.

According to the Black Maternal Health Caucus website, the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act includes 13 individual bills that will:

  1. Make critical investments in social determinants of health that influence maternal health outcomes, like housing, transportation, and nutrition.
  2. Extend WIC eligibility in the postpartum and breastfeeding periods.
  3. Provide funding to community-based organizations that are working to improve maternal health outcomes and promote equity.
  4. Increase funding for programs to improve maternal health care for veterans.
  5. Grow and diversify the perinatal workforce to ensure that every mom in America receives maternal health care and support from people they trust
  6. Improve data collection processes and quality measures to better understand the causes of the maternal health crisis in the United States and inform solutions to address it.
  7. Support moms with maternal mental health conditions and substance use disorders
  8. Improve maternal health care and support for incarcerated moms.
  9. Invest in digital tools to improve maternal health outcomes in underserved areas.
  10. Promote innovative payment models to incentivize high-quality maternity care and non-clinical support during and after pregnancy.
  11. Invest in federal programs to address maternal and infant health risks during public health emergencies.
  12. Invest in community-based initiatives to reduce levels of and exposure to climate change-related risks for moms and babies.
  13. Promote maternal vaccinations to protect the health of moms and babies.

Event Details

According to a news release about the event, Rep. Sykes will be joined by special guests Canton City Public Health Commissioner Amanda Archer, Dawn Miller, Program Manager for Stark County THRIVE, and Dr. LaToya Dickens – Jones, Nurse Practitioner at My Community Health. These local health experts will highlight community resources and local efforts to support mothers and babies to improve maternal health. 

This Community Conversation is free and open to the public. Community members who are interested in attending the event can register at


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