Long Words = Simple Answers

Hi Mommas,

Ok so I want talk to vulnerability and transparency to begin the last quarter of 2019. Long words with simple meaning. We are 3 months away from a new year! That’s nuts all in itself BUT that’s besides the point.

Raise your virtual hands if you can honestly admit you allow yourself to vulnerable and transparent.

I will not raise my hand because I am just now learning to stop giving people fake responses when they ask how are you? I would usually say “Good” “Great” and “ok” but I have recently been recognizing those cliche responses had been trapping me in a falsity.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not fake by any means, what you see is what you get. I think before I speak and I always check my heart’s motives. But I want to encourage you all as moms to find freedom in vulnerability and transparency. Not because they are long words that sound good but because real raw emotions free you from others’ opinions. Living the truth of your emotions without fear is freedom for you, not bondage for anyone else.

Too many times as women aside for being mothers, we weigh the opinions and responses of others against our own need, to be honest. Other people come out on top and we are stuck wishing we had expressed ourselves.

Where am I going with this- here’s where I’m going. Lol above all the things you seek for (happiness, peace, purpose) seek transparency and be vulnerable. When someone asks you how you’re doing be honest, when you need a shoulder to cry on or a person to vent to be vulnerable say it, show it. No matter what the response of others around you.

Be free and don’t let the opinions of others keep you bound to a fake version of yourself. Have an amazing week Mommas!

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