Who We Are

Newsymom.com was founded in August 2016

“We have set out with a mission to change the world one mom at a time,” explained Newsymom Founder Michaela Madison. “We believe that while many factors play a role in the society we all live in, we as parents are at the forefront of change.”

We encourage mothers to equip themselves with knowledge and awareness so we can all better prepare ourselves and our children to face whatever life throws at us. That mission is woven through every aspect of Newsymom.

The authors that make up the Newsymom.com writing staff are chosen to represent the readers Newsymom.com serves. Our authors come from all walks of life, backgrounds, parenting approaches, religions, ethnicities, and lifestyles. We strive to prove that despite differences, we can lean on and even learn from one another in a common goal to raise children that we hope will make positive contributions to the future.



Michaela Thomas

Michaela Thomas

Founder, Executive Director

I am momma to two beautiful little girls. My oldest, Remingtyn Lanay is smart, sassy, funny, and so sweet.  We also have a little gal named Kimber Grace, who is just as sweet and full of spunk. I have a wonderful life partner who is by my side through thick and thin, my husband, Aaron. We’ve overcome a lot in our relationship and though tested from time-to-time, we always manage to see it through together.

My background is in news journalism and marketing/communications. When I had my first daughter in May 2016, I began searching for a credible news organization that focused only on information directly affecting parents and kids.

I was hopeful for a resource that would represent a one-stop-shop for local news and information and events; state and national information and statistics; tips and advice for parents, activities, and milestones throughout development; and maybe even a little entertainment. I wanted the best of it all!

I found myself empty-handed and, so I was inspired to create the source I was searching for. Newsymom.com is truly a place where moms (and dads) can get it all. I am surrounded by a team that inspires me daily and lives by our mission wholeheartedly.

Newsymom.com has evolved from an idea of a mom on maternity leave to a powerhouse in the local news and information industry that is fueled by a mission to inform, educate and entertain mothers from all walks of life. We’ve created a team made up of the mothers just like those we hope to serve.

Those of all walks of life, diverse backgrounds, religions and even parenting approaches. We recognize and appreciate that despite our differences we can and should work together, learn from one another, and even lean on each other when needed.

I hope you’ll find Newsymom.com as useful and fun as we intend for it to be!

Visit Michaela’s editorial page!

Nicole Herrera

Nicole Herrera

Board Member/Content Writer

Greetings! I am so incredibly excited to be joining this team of thoughtful, passionate, and smart mothers as we grow our online community. I will do my best to add a unique perspective to the conversation and share my triumphs (sometimes), mistakes (always), and reflections (gotta learn from those mistakes!)

I am a mother of two mischievous, strong-willed, and impossibly gorgeous children, Mateo and Lucia. My husband, Peter, and I are striving to raise thoughtful, resilient, and kind people in a world that is simultaneously wondrous and cruel. The past year has been especially difficult for us, but we are resolved to do our part to make this world better by raising good human beings. Our guiding parenting principle is to teach them to be kind, find the good, and stand up for what is right, especially when it’s difficult.

Mateo and Lucia keep busy with sports year-round. They both play soccer, basketball, and baseball and I coach most of their teams. Coaching is my joy and the court or field are my happy places; our teams become family and my players, my adopted kids.

Adjacent to and often overlapping with coaching, education is my life passion. I am a lifelong teacher and learner. I’ve been told that I begin most conversations with, “I recently read this article that said…” As a college professor, I am fortunate to meet impressive and inspiring people every semester. My students have shaped, stretched, and cultivated my world-view as they share their stories and experiences. As a writing teacher, I encourage them to be curious, thoughtful, and authentic.  I tell them that the most important question they can ask themselves is, “Could I be wrong?” We write to share our unique perspectives, but also to learn and invent new ideas. I am ecstatic to have the opportunity to practice what I teach as I write for Newsymom.

My life is filled to the brim with mom duties, work responsibilities, practices, games, and line-ups, not to mention working on keeping a healthy marriage! It’s all a bit overwhelming at times, but most days I am full of gratitude for the opportunity to live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling with people who prove my mom right: my heart has no limit on its capacity to love and I will never stop learning.  Writing for Newsymom is an opportunity that I will relish and is a perfect complement to the moving parts of my life: education, work, coaching, and, of course, motherhood.

Visit Nicole’s editorial page!

(Nicole’s Photos-http://matthewjenkinsphotography.com/)

the Rest of the Family

Audrey Mattevi

Audrey Mattevi

Content Writer

Hey, I’m Audrey! I’ve been a dog-mom most of my life (currently to two happy pups) and in December 2019 I gave birth to our daughter, Madelyn. She and her fur-siblings perfectly round out the family (until I can talk the husband into a kitten!).

I married Kyle in 2013 and I work part-time with him at a company he started nearly a decade ago. We used to identify as “workaholics”, but we’ve shifted to the wild world of parenthood. Priorities have changed, sleep schedules have changed, and our love has changed- all for the better!

When I get a minute to myself, I enjoy reading, scrapbooking, & organizing. I love to write. I love to get outside with our dogs, Bristol & Enzo. We take our camper out in the warmer months, attend NASCAR races, and travel for work a few times a year, too. I love snuggling up and being lazy at home but we’re on the GO quite often.

I believe in being kind. I believe in education and science. I believe in reheated coffee & cereal for dinner. I am spiritual in the Christian sense and adventurous in the National Geographic channel sense. I rehome stray dogs and regift beloved books. I live for fall and winter while somewhat tolerating Ohio summers. I’m much weirder in person and awfully proud of that.

I’m finding my footing in the world of motherhood and I’m very excited to be a part of the Newsymom team! A community of moms is truly a force to be reckoned with. I’m excited to join that force!”

Bridget Britton

Bridget Britton

Content Writer
My name is Bridget Britton. I am a wife to my husband Josh of 10 years, and a mother to our two-year-old Jaxon. Our son Jaxon has brought some unique challenges and joys to our life. He was diagnosed in utero with a Congenital Heart Defect (CHD). Due to that and other complications at birth, that we were not expecting, we almost lost him on day 2 of life. He had open-heart surgery at 3.5 months old. We spent over 100 days in his first year. Being the mother to a special needs son had its challenges: many trips to Akron, therapies, developmental delays, but also extra special celebrations when Jaxon learns a new skill. Despite all of our son’s challenges, our family enjoys spending time outdoors hiking, skiing, and swimming when we are able. We also love our two furry kitties, Hazel and Remy.
In my professional life, I have a background in social work with a master’s degree in social work. I have worked in the field for over 10 years.”
Danelle German

Danelle German

Editorial Author

My name is Danelle German, and I am a mother of two. I work full-time as a therapist, go to school for social work, and I believe in the power of support. I love Newsymom‘s and what it stands for because I believe in the power of women loving and helping women. I am a survivor a physiological and psychological barriers that I’ll share with you in my writing, and I’m here to support, empower, and lift up other women in my community.

Visit Danelle’s editorial page!

Ying He

Ying He


Hi! My name is Ying.  I am a single mom to my amazing little girl Mae.  She is 18 months old, and unapologetically sassy!

As a new mom, I can say mom community is everything! Being the last of my friends to have children, I’m very lucky to have their support.  Now being part of Newsymom, I’m super excited to be able to share this journey with the awesome moms in this group!

A little about me, I’m an IT analyst with Summit Racing and also working part time as a real estate agent.  In my spare time I love going out and catching up with friends, game nights, biking and pickleball.  But mostly I love just laying around and binging Netflix.

As I said, I am super excited and grateful to be able to join this group! And I can’t wait to learn and have fun with all the incredible moms here!

Tiffany Skillern

Tiffany Skillern


Tiffany graduated from Kent State University in 2006 with a Master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology.  She is certified by the Ohio Board of Speech-Language Pathology and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Tiffany draws from both professional and personal experiences to guide her practices.  She has a son who struggles with sensory challenges and 2 children who experienced Colic and Reflux as babies.  These journeys have fueled her commitment to ensuring that family concerns are heard and addressed as a family unit, not just focused on the individual.  She is the author of the book: Relentless: A Parents’ Pursuit for Peace (available on Amazon.com), which addresses common concerns and challenges parents face during baby’s first year of life.

Tiffany has 12 years of experience providing assessments and intervention in a variety of settings including hospitals/acute care, skilled nursing facilities, preschools, public schools, and private companies whose focus is individuals with special needs.  She also has 6 years of experience supervising graduate students in the Speech Pathology program and Speech Therapists in their clinical fellowship year of training.

Her expertise includes Autism Spectrum Disorder including intense behaviors, Sensory Based Feeding Challenges, Articulation and Language Disorders, Social and Life Skills Development, and Routine Based Integration.  She believes early detection/intervention and Routine-Based Integration are vital for empowering families, maximizing the rate of skill development, and maintaining the level of gains achieved.

Tiffany is a mother of 5 children who enjoy learning, spending time with her husband and children, and engaging in new experiences.

Olivia Scally

Olivia Scally

Content Writer

Olivia grew up in the suburbs of Cleveland and graduated from Cleveland State University with degrees in Nonprofit Administration and Sociology.

In 2016, she moved to New Philadelphia with her husband, Correy, and their dog, Maddie. They became a licensed foster family in February 2022 and accepted their first placement in March. They are members of The Branch Church located in New Philadelphia and Olivia enjoys serving in ways that connect members of the church to needs in the community.

She is excited to share her non-traditional journey into motherhood and explore the raw and complex topics that come with fostering and adopting.

Jonna Cronebaugh

Jonna Cronebaugh

Partnership Coordinator
My journey to motherhood came later in life after my husband, Jeff, and I were married for 10 years.  Life changed in an instant when our first son was born and then 20 months later we added another boy!  They are now teenagers and best friends (most of the time!).  Watching them grow up, learn, experience life, and develop relationships with their own unique personalities and interpretations has been truly amazing.  We have a small farm where our boys and nieces learn how to work, care for animals, and be responsible, productive members of society.  This experience comes full circle with their participation in 4-H.


I’ve come to Newsymom in the capacity of Partnership Development, bringing with me multiple life experiences in business and people management. I spent the first 15 years of my career as an Innkeeper & Chef (and self-published a cookbook before the world of Pinterest!), followed by working my way up in Sales and Marketing for a small agency in Sugarcreek, Ohio.  I love working for a small business owner who truly cares about what’s best for my family, providing the ability to work without compromising my priorities. I also enjoy paving my own new path when an opportunity like partnering with Newsymom arises.  The model of placing family first & supporting Moms to cultivate their own interests and independence is great! The icing on the cake is providing a wealth of knowledge to Moms through the work we do!
Life is a great journey; share it, love it, be kind, and know you are never alone.
Kaitlynn Epperly

Kaitlynn Epperly

Playdate Lead

My name is Kaitlynn. I’m a wife and a mother to a 6-year-old daughter and a 1-year-old son.

During the week I’m a full-time dance mom. My beautiful, striving-to-be-perfect, daughter is an amazing competitive dancer. As a former competitive dancer myself, it’s been amazing to watch my daughter follow in my footsteps. To say our household is obsessed with dance is an understatement. Even though we spend countless hours at the dance studio, God gave me the most laid -ack, handsomest little boy to keep me company. Watching him support his sister at such a young age, is truly a blessing.

On the weekends, I work part-time as a cosmetologist at a local salon near my hometown. I’ve been a cosmetologist for the last 10 years. I absolutely love my job but I’ve always felt as if something was missing. When I heard about Newsymom, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I’ve always loved working with children and helping other mothers be the best they can be.

As my journey with Newsymom unfolds, I hope to spread awareness of Laryngomalacia, babies with helmets, and spinal headaches. I want to share my stories about the ups and downs of my experiences in becoming a mother in hopes to help other mothers with similar issues.

Shaheedrah Strong

Shaheedrah Strong


Hey Everybody!

My name is Shaheedrah. I’m a wife and a mom of 4.

I work full time and after the work-day ends, I put on my Wonder Woman suit and go to saving the world one meal and homework assignment at a time… HA!

No, but seriously as moms, I believe that we are a remnant of superheroes that truly save the world.

I hope and pray that when you read my posts that you can see my love for Jesus, my husband, and my amazing kids. I’m all about sharing the stories of our family that make us real. I add some encouraging thoughts and words that have gotten me through those tough day-even superheroes have hard days.

On those days it’s faith, hope, and love that gets me through. It may sound cliché, but faith is what my life is built on. I believe that God has a purpose for my life (and yours too) I approach each day with a heart full of hope and most importantly I lead with love!

All my stories, all my jokes, and all my tears begin and end with love.

I pray you are blessed by my transparency and my truths because at the end of the day we all need a little faith, hope, and love.

Visit Shaheedrah’s editorial page!

Mercedes Gonzalez

Mercedes Gonzalez

Content Writer

Mercedes Gonzalez is a highly talented, motivating & faithful mother. Born and raised in Stark County, she graduated from The McKinley Senior High School in 2013. After graduating, she went on to continue her studies at Notre Dame College of Ohio to pursue a degree in nursing and psychology. As she continued to study and work towards her goals, a tragedy happened causing her to take a break from her passion. In 2014, the death of her nephew and prolonged cancer treatment for her grandmother drew her closer to her family.

She used this time to work and be there for her family. On June 9, 2018, she gave birth to her daughter. A few years later on March 11, 2021, she gave birth to her son. Her family was complete and life was normal until November of 2021 when she received the devastating news that she had stage two breast cancer at the age of 26. She had no clue how she would survive as a single mother of two. All she could do was give it to God.

As of today, Mercedes is a #CANCERCRUSHER. She has been in remission for one year. She has undergone numerous surgeries and treatment. She did not let the cancer beat her down. Today, she works in telecommunications, owns her own graphic design company, and is involved in many ministries at her church, Wesley Temple AME Zion Church located in Akron, Ohio.

She is currently working on a non-profit idea to help those who have been impacted by breast cancer. She is also in the process of writing and self-publishing her first book. She wants those who have fought similar battles to know that they are not alone. Mercedes continues to be an inspiration and light in the communities she comes in contact with.

Alyssa Harbold

Alyssa Harbold

Content Writer

My name is Alyssa and I am a 25-year-old mom of two. Only partially joking, I refer to myself as a domestic engineer. I’m fortunate enough that my primary role is being a “stay-at-home mom.” However, as many of you probably know, that title doesn’t fully encompass the job it attempts to describe!

I have a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter and a one-year-old son. To say they keep me on my toes is an understatement! We are raising some adventurous, strong, kind and, opinionated young minds who surprise me and fill my heart every day.
Through being a stay-at-home mom, I quickly recognized how easy it is to lose yourself in motherhood. I found importance in community and making time to fill your own cup. Outside of motherhood, I have a love for homemaking, gardening and, sourdough baking. I administer a small craft club where I organize monthly meetings with the intention of giving myself and others the opportunity to pencil in a break to relax, create and, socialize. I also am part of an amazing admin team for “Tuscarawas moms -and surrounding areas-” a Facebook group created with the goal of making a safe space for local moms to share advice, experiences,and provide support to one another.
I am very excited to join the Newsymoms team and look forward to new opportunities to connect with other mothers as well as serve our small community! “
Elise Watkins

Elise Watkins

Content Writer/Representative

My name is Elise Watkins, and I am a native of Akron, OH. I currently serve as the Marketing Communication Coordinator for the Stark County Minority Business Association.

I attended Walsh University (graduating in 2017 and 2021), where I obtained a bachelor’s degree in communication and a master’s degree in marketing. I am proud to have had a strong connection to Stark County throughout the past decade. In my professional career, I have held various positions within the Stark County Catholic Schools marketing department. Now, being a part of SCMBA, I take pride our commitment to providing resources and opportunities for minorities, veterans, and women to help grow their businesses and achieve their goals.

When I am not working, you will likely see me cuddled up on my couch with my two- year old daughter, Amoura. She is a strong-willed, brave, and confident girl who loves making her mommy laugh. As a first-time mom, I have enjoyed the last two years of learning, and growing in motherhood while watching my baby blossom into a beautiful person every day. I am passionate about finding ways to help others, especially first-time and/or working moms, embrace the changes that may have come their way through motherhood.

I am excited to be a part of the Newsymom team!