Spring Cleaning for Your Soul: Tips for a Mental and Emotional Refresh

As the weather turns warm and we all turn our attention to the new start Spring gives us, we often begin Spring cleaning our home. What if we decided to refresh and give ourselves an emotional and mental Spring cleaning? Read on to learn ways to jump-start your own personal journey to a fresh, new mental and emotional soul.

Tips for a better mental state:

  • Mindfulness:  Be mindful, and focus on the specific moment you are in.
  • Journaling:  Write down your joys.
  • Meditate
  • Exercise
  • Laugh!  Laughing releases endorphins.
  • Say “NO” without guilt.  Learning to set boundaries and spending time for yourself is imperative for self-care.
  • Read or listen to books.
  • Give therapy a chance.
  • Communicate with others your feelings and needs.

If you have already incorporated some of these into your everyday routine, try to push the boundaries a little more.

For example:

  • Limit the amount of screen time you have in a day.
  • Add one fruit or vegetable a day.
  • Decrease or eliminate that sweet treat or coffee in your diet you can not seem to take a break from.
  • Add in a walk during your break.

Connect with local professionals who care. Reach out to Trinity Health Systems Twin City today to learn more about services designed to keep you and your family healthy! Phone: (740) 922-2800

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