Spruce Up Your Home: Summer Decorating Tips for a Fresh Start

Now that Memorial Day is over, everyone has their eye on Summer, and it is time to turn our home to clean bright colors. We all have our unique styles and color palettes for our homes. Read on to gain more tips to get a fresh start to spruce up your home.

What types of colors could you add to your home:
  • Try clean crisp whites if you are traditionally a bright colored home or do the opposite.
  • Bring it those Spring flowers, and enjoy fresh cut colors on the kitchen table.
If you did not get around to spring cleaning, there is still time to clear away the clutter.
  • Throw away those outdated books and magazines.
  • Trash all of the leftover papers from the kids’ school.

On the cooler days of summer enjoy the fresh air by opening the windows and doors. Change out the fragrances to more summer types of smells if you enjoy candles and plug-ins.

Also, in the bedroom, it is time to change from the heavy winter sheets and blankets, to cooler and lighter cotton and throws. If you have never tried linen bedding, now is a good time to give it a try.

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