Summer Survival Guide: Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy and Happy

When our family is on the run it is easy to forget about making sure our family is healthy and everyone is happy all at the same time. It can be slightly overwhelming for you to ensure all of your family activities are in line for the summer. Read on to gain new tips to keep your family healthy and happy this summer season.

Knowing what events or things planned this summer will help your family stay healthy and happy.

Know your calendar in advance. These are potential things that may come up during the summer, but also be flexible for “pop up” fun.

  • Vacations
  • Recitals
  • Games
  • Weddings
  • Visits to see out-of-state family or friends.
  • Concerts
  • Those one day zoo, theme park, or other type of activities nearby
  • Trips to the local pool or lake
  • Sleepovers
  • Birthday parties
  • Doctor’s appointments

Get all of those activities on your calendar sooner rather than later to elevate stress.

What about keeping everyone healthy?
  • Stay up to date on well checks.
  • Visit the doctor or urgent care at the first sign of illness, don’t let it linger for weeks before checking in.
  • If someone is due for vaccines get those done in plenty of time before a trip, in the rare case there may be side effects.
  • Getting ready to go on vacation, but someone who is going with you is sick? While it is tempting to still go it is important to consider canceling to minimize the risk of spreading it to others.
  • Spend time outside, the fresh air helps our immune system.
  • Eat healthy snacks and meals. There are times we are constantly on the go during the summer, but staying intentional about most meals and having fruits and veggies is key. Pack high-protein snacks for when traveling.
  • Staying on a bedtime routine. The summer bedtime can be moved to later since it is lighter outside longer, but kids still need more sleep than adults do.

When everyone is healthy and you are less stressed the whole family is happier!

Connect with local professionals who care. Reach out to Trinity Health Systems Twin City today to learn more about services designed to keep you and your family healthy! Phone: (740) 922-2800

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