5 Essential Bicycle Safety Tips to Share with Your Kids

5 Essential Bicycle Safety Tips to Share with Your Kids – If you’re making plans with your little ones to cherish the cooler weather with some bicycling trips, make sure to go over some ESSENTIAL bicycling safety advice! Find the top five tips to go over with your kids right here on Newsymom!

This is Public Health is brought to you in partnership with the Tuscarawas County Health Department.

Hey there, super moms! Are your little ones gearing up for some two-wheel adventures? Riding bicycles is not only great exercise but also loads of fun. However, as we all know, safety should always come first. So, let’s talk about five important bicycle safety tips you should discuss with your kids to ensure their rides are both enjoyable and safe.


  1. Helmet On, Always! The first rule of bike safety is non-negotiable: Helmets are a must. Make sure your child’s helmet fits snugly and sits level on their head, covering their forehead. Teach them to fasten the chinstrap securely. And here’s the secret: Be a helmet-wearing role model! When they see you prioritize safety, they’re more likely to follow suit.
  2. Bike Check-Up Time Just like a car, bicycles need regular maintenance. Show your kids how to check their bike before each ride. Ensure the tires are properly inflated, the brakes work smoothly, and the chains are well-lubricated. This quick pre-ride routine will help prevent accidents caused by mechanical issues.
  3. Stay in the Bike Lane Teach your children the importance of staying in designated bike lanes whenever possible. If there’s no bike lane, ride on the right side of the road in the same direction as traffic. Remind them to obey traffic signals, stop signs, and always look both ways before crossing an intersection.
  4. Be Seen, Be Safe Bright clothing and reflectors are your friends. Make sure your child wears colorful, reflective clothing or accessories when riding, especially during low-light conditions. Adding a bright flag to their bike or helmet can also help increase visibility to drivers.
  5. No Electronics on Wheels Emphasize the importance of staying focused while riding. Discourage using phones, headphones, or any other distractions when on their bike. Explain that paying attention to the road and their surroundings is essential for their safety.


Bonus Tip: Always ride together!

Whenever possible, go for bike rides with your kids. It’s a fantastic way to bond, have fun, and set a great example for safe biking habits.

Remember, safety is a team effort, and by instilling these five essential bicycle safety tips in your kids, you’re setting them up for a lifetime of safe cycling adventures.

Now, here’s a little extra something for our Tuscarawas County residents: Don’t forget to prioritize your family’s health by visiting the Tuscarawas County Health Department online at tchdnow.org or giving them a call at (330) 343-5555 ext. 1740 or 1810. They can help you schedule a physical, get your next vaccine, or even provide a provider referral to ensure your family stays healthy and happy. Your well-being matters!

So, moms, let’s gear up, stay safe, and enjoy those family bike rides together. Happy cycling!

Melissa Klatt


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