Family Fitness: Your Guide to Incorporating Regular Physical Activity with Kids

Individual fitness is often a priority for people depending on their lifestyle, but it is crucial to get your kids involved as well. Studies have overwhelmingly reported that if your kids see you working out and leading a healthy lifestyle they will lean toward that as they grow up. Read on to learn more about why it is important, and also ways to incorporate regular physical activity with your kids.

Ways to get started: It is important to take stock of how much time you already spend on physical activity. If you don’t spend much time being physically active give yourself grace while you incorporate it while you build it into your routine.

  • Begin limiting screen time by just a few minutes each day increasing each week.
  • Emphasize the fun of physical activity.
  • Be a role model for them.
  • Plan, provide toys or games if needed, and have a routine. So they know when to expect it.
What are ways to encourage regular physical activity with kids:
  • Carve out 15-20 minutes a day of family-friendly exercises. There are many types of yoga, stretches, and cardio geared toward kids. Many of it can be found free on YouTube, but you can purchase from a subscription-based platform, or watch DVDs.
  • Have your child around while you exercise. You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly they will become interested in exercising, and make up their types of exercises while you do yours.

Adding in extra physical movement
  • Spend as much time outside as you can. There is a movement toward 1,000 hours It is a challenge to see how many hours in a year you and your child can spend outside.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Ride bikes more, if able to walk to school instead of driving them.

This is all important because the habits built in youth form a significant role in shaping what their adult habits look like. If they have good physical movement habits young, they are more likely to keep those moving into adulthood.

Connect with local professionals who care. Reach out to Trinity Health Systems Twin City today to learn more about services designed to keep you and your family healthy! Phone: (740) 922-2800

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