mom friends

Mom Friends: How to Find Them & Keep Them

You’re constantly surrounded by kids and noise and chaos as a mom… but why does it feel so lonely sometimes?

From Bump to Baby is brought to you by The Pregnancy & Parenting Center

Making friends as an adult is difficult. When you add children and divide your attention and subtract the lack of free time… it can feel nearly impossible to find friends.

But leaning into motherhood and using it to network and build your circle of moms, friends, and “sisters” is the best thing you can do.

How to Find Your Village and Support Network

I am an introvert. I enjoy being alone, I recharge when I’m by myself, and I live for canceled plans. But after my daughter was born, even I started feeling the pressure of isolation in motherhood. I knew I needed to do something to widen my circle and form some meaningful connections.

Work With What You’ve Got

It’s difficult to make new friends, but it can feel just as challenging to reconnect with old friends. If you feel like you’ve drifted away and you miss that connection, reach out! Chances are life, kids, jobs, etc. have become all-consuming to your friends, too. That small but meaningful bridge may be just the push they need to reinvest in themselves and take a little break for coffee with an old friend (you!).

Put Yourself Out There

Trust me, I don’t love storytime or mommy-and-me events either. But going to these events is a perfect way to meet and form relationships with other moms. I’ve found friends through my daughter’s dance studio, school, and soccer teams. It’s intimidating to be the “new” mom at the game or practice, but everyone has been there, and you’ll likely find some women in a similar stage of life as you with common interests!

Just Ask

Ready for something that sounds obvious but might actually be the most terrifying? If you see a woman or mom doing her thing and think she might make a good friend, ask her to coffee! Or set up a play date. A few years ago, I rounded up a few friends from all walks of life and created a small group. We’re still going strong and so grateful for one another after all these years!

You can also find mom groups, book clubs, women’s groups, and more support systems online. It just takes a little digging and some research.

Don’t let your loneliness consume you- there are other moms out there looking for the same things you are! Put yourself out there and you will be surprised by the village waiting to welcome you in!

The Pregnancy & Parenting Care Center is the place for families to receive the support and resources necessary to make life affirming decisions and build stronger families. For more information, please visit

Audrey Mattevi, Reporting

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