New Moms’ Survival Guide: Tips to Navigate the Early Days of Motherhood

Often being a new mother is either romanticized as an amazing experience or one of doomsday, but is there a way to have something in between? I believe so, and if you follow a few tips below hopefully it will help you navigate the early days of motherhood.

As someone with a five-year-old son who had a unique pregnancy and birth and early days of motherhood, I have some tips, along with a compilation of what other top professionals and seasoned mothers say.

Supporting you as the mother:
  • Never hesitate to ask for help. It may be for someone to come and wash dishes or do laundry. People want to help, and it is okay to allow them. It truly takes a village to raise a child, and I learned that with my mine.
  • In the same vein, you and your significant other set the tone for visitors. If having visitors puts too much stress on you simply say, “Thanks but no thanks” to the non-essential visitors.
  • Self-care is key find what is feasible for you, and practice it.
    • Take daily showers
    • Drink water
    • Eat foods that nourish your body
    • Journal
  • Keep up with your regular doctor’s appointments and be honest with them about how you are feeling.

What about the baby:
  • Remember that every baby is different. Sleeping, eating, and bathroom patterns are not going to match your friend’s baby who is just a few days older. Seeking support for sleeping and eating is a good thing but know it may not work for your baby.
  • Routines are helpful but don’t let them control your life.
  • If your baby is crying for an extended period, and no one is home to help you, it is okay to put them safely on their back in their crib and walk away for a few minutes to collect yourself.

If you take anything away from this article, I hope it is that you are not alone in the new motherhood journey. People are here to support you and walk along with you. Newsymom is a great community, Trinity Health Systems, and if you are struggling in the moment call/text/chat 988.

Connect with local professionals who care. Reach out to Trinity Health Systems Twin City today to learn more about services designed to keep you and your family healthy! Phone: (740) 922-2800

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